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Trophy: High School Bully Romance (Kennedy Academy Book 3) Read online

Page 6

“Come on, guys,” she says, turning to the group. “Let’s let little rancid virgin Nora see what happens if you don’t attend to yourself for too long. Everything down there will get moldy and rancid, which is perfect for maggots. You could fix this, you know,” she says, turning and calling over her shoulder. “Just get it over with and get fucked. I’m sure that you could find someone in the school willing to give you a pity fuck. Hell, I’ll fingerbang you if that’s what you want.”

  She cackles and the whole group crowds around her, pushing and jostling each other as they walk down the hall. My locker is just 15 feet away, but I don’t want to go up to it. I have no desire to see what surprise is waiting for me, but I take a deep breath and start walking to it.

  The closer I get, the more I realize that something’s wrong. They weren’t just waiting here to torment me, which is something I was hoping for. There’s something falling out of my locker, but it’s not liquid. At first, I think that it’s spoiled milk like from breakfast, but the something moves.

  Wrinkling my nose, I take another step to my locker, then another. I’m right up next to it when I realize what’s falling out of my locker and wiggling across the floor. Maggots. “Gross!” I scream, jumping back a foot. My shriek carries down the hall and I hear the students laughing at me as they walk away. The small white maggots wriggle around, trying to find somewhere to hide on the floor. I stare at them, feeling the blood drain from my face. I know that I should go and get help, but I have to know what else they’ve done. Surely they didn’t just scatter maggots in front of my locker door, right?

  Slowly, like I’m in a trance, I reach out and enter my locker combo. My hand trembles while I debate whether or not to go through with it, then I open the door.

  Maggots pour out of my locker as soon as the door swings free. It’s a freefall of them, a damn waterfall of wiggling white maggots. They must have been stacked a few inches high on the top shelf, and they bounce and fall down around my feet as I stand there, horror on my face. Someone filled my locker with maggots, making sure to pile them on my lunch.

  My stomach turns and I feel bile start to rise in the back of my throat. No, no, no, I can’t throw up. Not again. If Bethany is anywhere near me still then she’ll see it and I’ll never live it down.

  Taking a step back from the maggots, I take a huge breath, trying to slow the churning in my stomach, but I step on maggots, their bodies squishing under my boot. I slide on the floor and slip, falling flat on my ass in the middle of the hallway.

  That’s all it took. Even though I try to hold my breath, and even though I haven’t eaten anything for breakfast, the sight of squished maggots on the hall floor turns my stomach. Turning, I throw up, the bile splattering on the floor. Retching so hard that my abs hurt, I manage to get onto my knees, my face just inches from the floor while I pant.

  There’s a squeaking behind me. I don’t want to look, but the person standing there hasn’t said anything, and I have to know who came up behind me. Taking a deep breath, I turn around.

  Teague’s squishing maggots with his foot, his face twisted with a mixture of disgust and pleasure. When I turn around, he looks from the floor to me, his lips curling back from his teeth in a smile. He’s cut from marble, as gorgeous as a statue, but the way he’s looking at me now makes him look like something from a horror show.

  “Teague.” His name falls from my lips before I even realize what I’m saying, but he doesn’t answer. Instead, he crouches down by me and reaches out, brushing my hair back from my face. “Why?”

  I know that he’s not going to answer the question. He doesn’t think that he owes me anything, and he’s right. If he was honest with me that one time, then he was going to give me everything, and I threw it all in his face. I wouldn’t want to give me an ounce of compassion, either.

  “You could have had it all, Nora.” His voice is so quiet that at first, I don’t think I hear him. He’s close enough now that I can smell his shampoo and the musky scent of his cologne. “But now you never will.” With that, he stands and turns, striding down the hall away from me.

  We’re the only ones here, so nobody else hears me call after him. My voice echoes down the hall, but if he hears it, he gives me no indication. I watch as he slams through the double doors at the end of the hall and joins his friends outside, leaving me on the floor in my own vomit and surrounded by maggots.


  “You ready to tell me where you went last night? Or would you rather just show me?” Nora hasn’t said a word on our ride home from school today and I’m not in the mood to go home to start homework when the rest of my team is at practice, so we’re enjoying a nice little drive.

  Or, rather, I’m enjoying the drive. Nora looks like she sucked on a rotten lemon all day and is staring out the window, refusing to look at me.

  In response to me, she says nothing. It’s not like I really expected her to answer me, but any response would have been nicer than dealing with her shitty silent treatment. Her attitude sucks and it’s getting old, but really nothing can ruin my day. Seeing her on the floor surrounded by throw-up and maggots? I’m not an artist by any means, but even I know when I see something that would make a great painting. Or photograph.

  “So we’re just gonna drive around until it’s time to go home and finish up our homework?” If I know right, then this will have an impact on her, and she jerks her head around, pinning me in place with a stare.

  “Homework? Should we talk about homework, Teague?” Her voice is biting and accusatory, and I smile to myself. I can’t handle Nora without emotions. Even if she honestly hates me, I’d rather deal with that then her simply ignoring me.

  “Yeah, you know the stuff that you’re supposed to do outside of class? Then you bring it in the next day and you get a grade? Homework. Why? What’s up?” I know full well what’s up. Last night after I locked her out of her room and stole her history report, I took it into the bathroom and burned it. It’s gone forever, without a trace.

  “I think that you know perfectly well what’s up.” She crosses her arms over her chest and I have to work hard to keep from staring at her perfect tits. The sweater she had on breakfast looked good, but this one is tighter. I bet that I could see her nipples through it if she were cold. That thought in mind, I crank the AC.

  She glances at the vents but doesn’t close hers. “Nothing to say, huh?”

  “About what?” Even I have goosebumps on my arms, but Nora seems unfazed by the sudden drop of temperature in the truck. “You forget your homework or something, Nora?”

  She hits me, her hand flat on my shoulder. It stings a little, but I shrug it off. Any reaction from her is good right now, and I like her touching me. We’ve been driving for a while now and I turn the car off of the main road, winding through a park before I stop under a large tree and turn it off.

  “What was that for?” I try to sound as casual as possible, but when I look at her, my stomach drops. She looks feral, her nostrils widen each time she breathes, and her eyes are sharp daggers.

  “You know what it was for.” When she speaks, she furrows her brow, keeping her eyes locked on me. “You know what you did, Teague. Why? Why would you do it?” Her voice keeps going higher and higher. She’s about to go hysterical, and while I should feel bad for pushing her to the edge, there’s something else in the back of my mind.

  I’m glad. If she thinks that I’m so repulsive that she can’t accept me or want me, then I don’t feel bad at all about pushing her over the edge. I shouldn’t have wanted her, but when I fell for her, she pushed me away, and that simply won’t do.

  Ignoring her question feels good. “Robby told me that you had a minor freakout in history. Was this before or after you threw up in the hall and squished maggots all over the floor?”

  She closes her eyes, leaning her head back on the headrest. “After.”

  “Long day, huh?” I reach over and run my fingers up her arm. She shivers and pulls away, but I see goosebumps pop up
on her bare skin. Her nipples are finally hard and it takes all of my self-control not to reach over and touch them. The thought of just barely grazing them with my hand makes me groan a little.

  At that, she opens her eyes. “You know all about my long day, Teague, so don’t act like you care.” Before I can answer, she wrenches open the door and throws it wide, hopping out of my truck and slamming it behind her. I slip my keys into my pocket and follow, making sure to lock my truck.

  This park isn’t in the nicest part of town, and I’d be stupid to just leave my truck unlocked, even though there aren’t a lot of cars in the parking lot. Chances are good that we won’t run into anyone while we’re here, but I’d rather not take the chance of my truck being broken into.

  The park being a little secluded is exactly why I wanted to come here with her. It’s not as secluded as some places where we’ve gone before, but that makes it a little safer. God knows we don’t want to have a run-in with the wrong people. Again.

  “You thinking about running, Nora? I miss our games.” Walking around the front of the truck, I keep my eyes on her. She has on a hot outfit, but it’s definitely not one for running in the woods.

  She sneers at me. “You’d like that too much, wouldn’t you, Teague?” Just then, her stomach rumbles, and she presses a hand on it, never taking her eyes from my face.

  I’m sure that she’s starving. The rotten milk this morning was my idea, but it was just perfect timing that Bethany would plant her locker full of maggots on the same day.

  “I like you with more energy in you. More fight.” Slowly, I make my way around the truck, walking right up to her. She takes a step back, not wanting to get cornered against the hood. Smart girl. “I like it when we play, Nora.”

  Damn, her jeans are painted on. I can see every curve of her body, and when she turns, I can see the perfect outline of her ass. She’s not like other girls who cram their pockets full of shit and then ruin the perfect silhouette. She turns to face me and I let my eyes slide over her body, taking in her perfect tits, the smooth line of her stomach, her legs.

  But then I see that there’s something in her pocket. She seems my eyes fall on it and slaps her hand over it, hiding whatever it is from view.

  “What’s in your pocket, Nora?” At first glance I think that it’s a knife. Although it would be smart of Nora to take steps to protect herself, I don’t like the idea of her having a weapon that she would dare to use on me. I have to find out what she has in her pocket, and I have to take it from her.

  “Nothing.” She answers too quickly and keeps her hand pressed to the outside of her pocket. “Leave it alone, Teague.”

  Like hell am I going to leave it alone. She takes a step back from me as I step closer to her, needing to close the gap between us and see what she has. In fact, the more I think about it, the more convinced I am that it’s a knife. It’s the only thing that makes sense.

  I bet that little prick Jeremy gave it to her or took her to buy it last night. He would do that, just to fuck with me. He’s probably on her side with all of this. I wonder what little sob story she told him to get him to help her out instead of seeing her for who she really is. That’s why I haven’t seen it before. That’s why she hasn’t tried to attack me.

  Well, let’s see just how daring she is when she’s being chased. “Give it to me, Nora, or run.”

  Her face flushes and I close my eyes for a moment, remembering what it feels like to chase her down. This time, when I catch her, I won’t show her any mercy. I’ll cut the clothes from her body with her own knife and then leave her out here. It’s the only way for her to learn that she can’t pull shit like this on me.

  “No.” She lifts her chin a little, trying to look brave, but I see the way her feet are scuffing the ground. She’s looking for the best way to get away from me, even as she puts on a false bravado. I take a step towards her, my blood pounding in my ears, my cock already twitching to life.

  The last time I ran into her in the woods, I sunk my cock deep in her virginal pussy. That’s when she really started to hate me, but it was worth it. I’d do it again, in a heartbeat.

  “Nora. Give it to me.” We’re close enough that I can easily reach her if I lunge for her, and that’s what I do, but she must see me coming, because she darts out to the side, away from the truck. My foot catches on a root and I trip, slamming into the side of my truck while I catch myself.

  Nora doesn’t slow down. She’s booking it through the park, running across a grassy patch to the tennis courts. I don’t know what she thinks that she’s going to do when she reaches them. Maybe scale the fence and hope for the best, but I’m not going to give her that chance.

  I push off from the truck, a growl escaping my mouth as I turn and start to run after her. She looks back at me over her shoulder, which makes her slow down. The panic on her face is obvious, and she changes direction, turning from the tennis courts and running instead for the woods.

  There are some trails here and some firepits deeper in the woods, but I don’t intend on letting her get so far ahead of me that she actually has a fighting chance. If anything, she’ll wear herself out before she even gets 20 yards into the woods.

  She’s not in great shape, but I don’t take into consideration her adrenaline. It pushes her forward and she throws herself towards the woods. There’s nothing graceful about her running. She’s not competing in an event – she is hurtling as fast as possible away from something that will kill her, and she knows it. Nora’s long blonde hair streams out behind her like a golden wave, and I want to wrap my hand in it, pulling her back and down to the ground. The idea of her thick hair wrapped around my wrist while I make her suck my cock spurs me on.

  “Nora!” I scream, the sound ripping away from my body as I chase her. She doesn’t slow down and she doesn’t look back, which is smart, but she still only hits the woods with 15 feet between us. I’m gaining on her, fast, and there’s no way out of this for her now.

  Even though it’s still early afternoon, nobody is in this part of the park. The woods are silent and empty and my feet fall on pine needles as I enter them after her. Just a few more feet and I’ll take her down.

  This close to her, I can hear her panting. She’s breathing hard, her arms still pumping, but she’s losing speed. That’s all I need to put on a final burst of my own speed, and I do, running faster and then launching myself at her.

  She’s tiny compared to me. I’ve been forged on the field and am all muscle and strength. She folds under me like a soft flower as I tackle her, my body pressing into hers as we skid across the ground. As she breaks my fall and slides across the dirt she cries out, the sound muffled as I press down on her, pushing all air from her lungs. Any chance she had of getting away from me disappears when I grab her by the shoulders and flip her over.

  I want to take her for my own, and I can’t help but stroke her tit through her sweater as I pin her down, but the real prize is in her pocket. Her body stiffens as I slide my hand down her, and she fights to catch her breath as I rest my hand on her thigh.

  There’s no way that I’m letting Nora walk out of here with whatever that is, no matter if it’s a knife or not. If she thinks that she can protect herself against me, she has another thing coming.

  Chapter 6


  If Teague pulls the key from my pocket, he will know that I was in his room. He’ll know that I found the key and then he’ll be able to piece together that that’s I was the other night when he locked me out of my room.

  My eyes are locked on his as he squeezes my thigh, trying to tell what the key is by its shape. He must not recognize it by touching it, because he sits up, loosening his grip on my shoulders a little.

  “Glad to see that you’re still willing to play our little game.” His dark eyes cut into mine and I shiver as I feel him searching me for answers. I’m afraid that if I answer him I’ll say the wrong thing and set him off. Add to that the fact that his thighs are tight around
mine, pinning me in place, and it’s easy to see why I can’t concentrate.

  “It’s not a game. You’re just a sadistic asshole, you know that?” I finally have my breath back and I use all of the air in my body to throw insults at him, but he doesn’t seem fazed. “Let me go, Teague.”

  “Not until you show me what you have in your pocket, Nora. Unfortunately, your jeans are painted on, so we’re gonna have to take them completely off to get it out, aren’t we?” He leers at me, sliding one hand under the hem of my shirt.

  Just the touch of his skin on mine sends electricity through me. I fight against the charges soaring through my body and try to think fast. It’s no good for me to fall under his spell when he barely touches me only for him to find the key.

  “It’s nothing.” Shifting back, I try to pull away from him, but he squeezes me tighter. “Just…take me home, please.”

  “Are you begging again? Because that’s kinda hot. Now, just beg me to sink my dick in you and we may have a deal.” His hands slide to my hips and he squeezes me, his thumbs pressing hard into my skin. I gasp, the touch of him causing a moan to rise from deep in my stomach and roll out of me. I can’t stop it, but from the look on Teague’s face, he wasn’t expecting it. “Doesn’t sound like you want to go home, Nora. Unless you mean that you want to go to my room. I bet that fucking you in bed would be even nicer than out in the woods.”

  Anger surges through me and I shift back again, this time managing to pull my legs free from him. “Fuck you, Teague. That was a mistake and it only happened because I thought you cared about me. In fact, I thought that you cared about someone other than yourself, but I see now that that was stupid of me.”

  “Well, you are pretty stupid, Nora. You really thought that I liked you? Maybe I should try out for the spring play this year, what do you think? My acting must have gotten really good if I convinced you that I liked you instead of hated you.”